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Photo of Rosa González García Spain

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Born in Cartagena on January 25, 1977. Intersy demonstrates painting skills from very small. Freely develop their capacities until he decides to start taking art classes to prepare s academic access to college, because in no time doubt that the race is going to study Fine Arts. When you finish the race starts working in the field of design for private companies until in 2002 he accepted a scholarship to the company that...

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15.75 x 15.75 in
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Born in Cartagena on January 25, 1977. Intersy demonstrates painting skills from very small. Freely develop their capacities until he decides to start taking art classes to prepare s academic access to college, because in no time doubt that the race is going to study Fine Arts. When you finish the race starts working in the field of design for private companies until in 2002 he accepted a scholarship to the company that promotes artists Lladr. Alli receives an intensive formation about drawing, painting and above all to enter in the discipline of the portrait in a way more profound. It is in that year when he first sets out to exhibit their works in the exhibition hall of the artillery museum in Cartagena. AFTER this period of time that is devoted exclusively to painting, returns to the world of private enterprise, for a year (2003), in the field of design and ornamentation of ceramic objects . A year later began working in a company of industrial ceramics in the design department. After two years in this business and seeing that no time to devote to his passion, painting, decided to leave the job to devote himself exclusively to painting. It is then moved from Valencia to Albacete, dedicndose presentndo entirely to painting works to contests and making his second individual exhibition in the exhibition hall of the delegacin Government of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha in Albacete (Antigua Fbrica Flour). Academics DATA: 2000 Pedagogical Aptitude Course (CAP) at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. 1995-2000 Bachelor of Fine Arts at the Polytechnic of Valencia Univesidad. SOLO SHOWS: 2007 "LIVES AND CONTRASTS (leos). Exhibition Hall of the Government delegacin the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha in Albacete (Antigua Fbrica Flour). 2002 Exhibition of paintings (oil paintings and watercolors) in the exhibition hall Artillera Museum of Cartagena. EASTER AND PORTRAITS "EXHIBITIONS: 2007 Exhibition of Art without barriers VII National Contest of Painting. Table equipped with the third prize. 2006 Exhibition of Art without barriers VI National Contest of Painting. Table endowed with the third prize. 2006 Painting Competition Exhibition 1st Bullfighting Albacete. Table equipped with a second prize. 2003 Exhibition La Mancha and Painting woman. The Court Ingls of Albacete. 2000 exhibition n Painting in the Exhibition Hall of the Faculty of BB.AA of San Carlos. `` disappearances. Valencia 1998 participation in exhibition Organizaciny Height. `` Flesh to stone . Valencia. 1997 Organizaciny participation in the exhibition of painting. `` Underwater, City Council on Water Aldaia.Valencia.

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